Update on Colt’s proposed acquisition of Lumen EMEA


As we hit the midway point of 2023, we just wanted to give you an update on where we are with the proposed acquisition of the Lumen EMEA business.

As we have said before keeping your current service working just the way you want is our single highest priority. We remain laser-focused on, and will continue to invest in, our current infrastructure, people, and customer experience with the same intensity regardless of the proposed transaction.

For the past few months, we have been deep in the process of understanding what this new business looks like once the transaction closes and bringing these two currently separate businesses together without disruption to any customer service. We now have a lot more clarity and are truly excited about the potential this deal has.

It is still a little too early to be able to give you specific details about network diversity, resilience, specific products, contract consolidation, or support models. However, we can assure you that these are the topics we are working through and as soon as we know what the implications are, we will be directly in touch with more details.

The legal and regulatory process is progressing well, with many milestones achieved and we still believe that the completion of the approvals and clearance will take place in late 2023.

We will be in touch in the next month with more practical details, but for now, nothing changes.

Of course, if you have any questions or comments about the proposed acquisition – or any other topic – please do not hesitate to get in touch with your Colt Account Executive.


What are the benefits to our customers?

Once the transaction completes, our customers will stand to benefit from;

  • Deeper and wider metropolitan, domestic, and international fibre connectivity
  • A leading-edge transatlantic capability connecting North America to the UK and France
  • A wider range of solutions, including, managed hosting and cloud, traditional networking, SD WAN, a richer voice portfolio, and a strong security proposition.