UBOSS Portal Guide


UBOSS Overview

The UBOSS Customer Portal provides customers with the ability to self-serve the Next Generation SIP service and Cloud Communications with Webex service.

The Colt UBOSS Customer Portal is a highly featured application which, depending on which product it is used for, provides:

  • A configurable personalised homepage to show graphical views of Users, Charges, Call volume by numbers and duration,
  • View and download rate cards
  • View and download inventory such as Phone Numbers, Devices, Packages and Services
  • Configure, view and download reports
  • Schedule Reports
  • Configure group services such as Hunt Groups, Call Pickups etc
  • Set Business hours and Holiday schedules
  • Add, Amend and Cease Users, Devices, Services, Packages and Phone Numbers
  • Individual and Bulk load capability
  • Configuration of Call Centre profiles
  • Direct configuration of Cloud Communications with Webex users
  • Provide portal access to users at various levels
  • Direct ordering of hardware
  • Dynamic unit-based charging integrated into Colt billing systems

Portal Users and Users

Adding a Portal Only User

A “Portal Only User” can be added at either the business level or site level to provide access to UBOSS for general administrative tasks. The level of access is determined by the level assigned to the user

Select Users from the left-hand menu

From the User screen select and then selecting Add from the options

This will take you to the Add a New User wizard

In the Profile section complete the details as required selecting None as the user type

Enter the email address of the user in the Email Address field. This will be the username

From the Permissions section select the required UBOSS Access Level:

Site – provides access to the Site the user is associated to only

Business – Provides access to the whole environment

Then select a Role to determine the user permissions

Once completed, check the details are correct and select

Once the confirmed message is received the user is assigned.

Deleting a Portal Only User

Select Users from the left hand menu to show the list of users.

Select the user to be deleted to show the Users profile page

Select to remove the user.

Hosted Users or DDI numbers

Adding a New Hosted User or DDI number

A “user” can be either a hosted user within Cloud Communications or a DDI number in NGSIP

Navigate to the site you wish to add the user\DDI number and select ‘Users’ from the menu bar

From the User screen select

This will take you to the Add a User wizard

In the Profile section complete the details as required:

  • Type is either Hosted (for Cloud Communications); SIP (for NGSIP)

If portal access is required, enter an email address to use as the login username

  • Add a password. This password is used for application access e.g. Webex, and user portal access.

Select the required Primary Package from the options, any Secondary Packages and any Additional Services required to be assigned for the user

In the VOIP section, an available DDI number for the new user needs to be selected from the Phone Number drop down

DO NOT leave as Extension Only as devices will not register correctly.

When selected this will auto populate the User ID with the correct details.

Amend the extension number to reflect the required extension format.

Select the Primary Device type and add the MAC address if required. MAC address can be selected from the drop down if it has already been allocated to the site or by selecting ‘New Instance’ and typing the details into the ‘New MAC Address’ field

Once completed, check the details are correct and select

Once the confirmed message is received the user will be assigned and any related charges added to the next invoice.

Deleting User

From either the business or site level select Users from the left hand navigation bar and select the user you wish to delete. 

Once the user has been selected the users Profile window will appear.

From the bottom of the page select

Select either the delete immediately  or Quarantine option, setting the date for deletion if the quarantine option is selected

Confirm the deletion by either the  or option to delete or place into quarantine.

Passwords and PIN’s

Changing your own UBOSS password

To change your own password to access UBOSS select

’My Profile’ from the top right profile icon dropdown

Select the ‘Security’  tab then ‘Change Password

Enter the new password and If required, check the ’Send Email’ box to send the new password to the user. Then press   to set the new password.

Note: The new password must have a minimum of 8 characters – at least one lower case alpha, one upper case alpha, one number and one special character (!, %, @ etc).

Changing another person’s UBOSS Passwords

At business level, select Settings from the left hand navigation bar, scroll to and select Portal Users

Select the user required by clicking on their name. Select the ‘Security’  tab then ‘Change Password

Enter the new password and If required, check the ’Send Email’ box to send the new password to the user. Then press   to set the new password.

Note: The new password must have a minimum of 8 characters including at least one lower case alpha, one upper case alpha, one number and one special character (!, %, @ etc).

Enforced Multi Factor Authentication – MFA

When MFA is switched on, at first login user will receive the following

Select to be presented with a QR code

Scan the QR code with an authenticator app. While the pop up recommends Google Authenticator, other authentication applications work as well.

Follow instructions in the authenticator app

When setup select

Enter the code shown by your authenticator app and press

When accepted, the recovery keys will be presented

These can be downloaded to a text file for future reference. Once downloaded press At next login, after entering username and password the following MFA screen is presented.

Enter the code from the authenticator app and then to complete the login.

Changing passwords for accessing applications & voicemail

If a user has forgotten their login password for accessing apps e.g. Webex, Receptionist Console etc. you can reset this by selecting Users  from the left hand navigation bar and then clicking on the user required.

On the User’s Profile Page tab in the Password-Uboss Portal & User Apps box enter the new Login Password and Confirm Login Password

Then press

Note: The new password must have a minimum of 8 characters including at least one lower case alpha, one upper case alpha, one number and one special character (!, %, @ etc).

Changing Voicemail Pins

If a user has forgotten their Voicemail pin this can be reset from the Users page. Enter the new code in the Password-Service/Feature Login and Confirm boxes.

Note: The pin cannot contain duplicate numbers or consecutive numbers e.g. 1234. It can take up to 15 minutes for the new pin to be active.

Remember to press .

Hunt Groups

Adding a Hunt Group

A Hunt Group is a ‘group service’ rather than a package and required to be assigned at Site level, but still allows users from other sites to be assigned to the group.

Select ‘Sites’ from the left-hand navigation bar and then select the site you require.

Then from the navigation bar select ‘Services’

Select the Hunt Group from the Service drop box


Populate the required fields. The following are mandatory fields

  • Instance ID – this is normally the telephone number to avoid conflicts with other users
  • Instance Name – a recognisable name so that it can be easily searched
  • Calling Line ID First Name – will indicate which Hunt Group the call is coming in on
  • Calling ID Last Name – will indicate which Hunt Group the call is coming in on
  • Select the VoIP Telephone number or extension only
  • Extension number for the Hunt Group – This must be of the correct number length for the business

Select the ’Call Policy’ from the drop down box – Regular, Circular, Simultaneous or Uniform and this will dictate how the calls are delivered (a full description of each type is given in the blue text).

Insert Charge Site and Charge Department as required.

The ’No Answer Settings’ can be set to forward calls to another internal or external number, a mobile or voicemail (which would need to be set up as a service on the Hunt Group). If zero is left in the box then the calls will continue to ring out on the Hunt Group number.

The ’Not Reachable Settings’ allow calls to be forwarded to an alternative number e.g. in the event of a power loss.

Remember that call charges will be incurred for any calls that are forwarded to an external number or mobile.

Select the appropriate CLID (Caller Line ID) and Agent Settings (if you have Call Center Agents).

Now you are ready to add users to the Hunt Group. Click on the user in the left hand box and then press  . To add the user to the group. ’Add All’ can be used if all listed users are to be included in the group.

It is possible to select multiple users by holding down the Ctrl key on the keyboard while selecting each user. The button is used to add all those selected.

Scroll down to the end of the page and press .
The Hunt Group is now active.

Pickup Group

Adding a Pickup Group

A Call Pick Up Group is added at a site level, so to add, select ‘Sites’ from the left-hand navigation bar and then select the site you require.

Then from the navigation bar select ‘Services’


Select the PICK-UP GROUP from the Service drop box


Complete the Instance ID and Description

Scroll down and then select the available users you want to add from the drop down box and press  . Their name will then appear in the right hand box as shown below. If you want to add all users, then just press .

To remove users, highlight the user you wish to remove and press

Scroll down to the end of the page and press . The Call Pickup Group is now active.

When a user is within a Pick Up group they can answer a call for another user within the same pick up group by dialing *98 from their device. This will pick up the longest ringing extension in the group.

Auto Attendant

Adding an Auto Attendant

If the Auto Attendant is required to be reached from an external caller, ensure a number is assigned at site level. For more detail refer to the Number Assignment guide

An Auto Attendant is assigned at Site level.

Select ‘Sites’ from the left-hand navigation bar and then select the site you wish to assign the Auto Attendant.

Then from the navigation bar select ‘Services’


Select either  Auto Attendant – Multi Level or Auto Attendant – Single Level  from the Service drop box


Complete the fields as required ensuring the mandatory fields (*) are completed


  • Instance ID – this is normally the telephone number to avoid conflicts with other users
  • Instance Name – the name by which you wish the Auto Attendant to be known
  • Description – is not a mandatory field but can be used to help identify what it is used for
  • Calling Line ID First Name – will indicate Auto Attendant number the call is coming in on.
  • Calling Line ID Last Name – will indicate Auto Attendant number the call is coming in on.
  • Select the VoIP Telephone number or extension only
  • Extension number for the Auto Attendant.

Check that the Language and Time Zones are correct.

For ‘Time Schedule’ if you don’t want to set any opening/closing hours, this can be left as ‘Every Day All Day’.

If you do want to have different routing for after hours, when you set a Time Schedule it needs to be set with your opening hours.

For ‘Holiday Schedules’ please see the guide on Setting Holidays & Out of Hours service.

Now press 

Configuring your Auto Attendant

Once the Auto Attendant has been set up you will need to go back into the service to set the call routing.
In ‘Service Assignments’ select the new Auto Attendant you have just built.

From the top tabs, select ‘Business Hours’. On this screen you need to enter what happens to calls during business hours when the caller presses 1, 2, 3 etc.

Calls can be sent to individual extension numbers, hunt groups, call queues, voicemail, recorded announcements and even external numbers (remember you are charged the cost of the call when it’s sent to an external number).

If you want a personal greeting to be played, upload this into the Announcement repository (you can easily record your greeting on any smart phone and upload to your desktop).

Then uncheck the ‘Use Default Greeting’ and select the required greeting from the drop down box. If you want callers to be able to dial someone if they know their extension, tick the ‘Enable First level Extn Dialing’ box.

If you want one of the options to forward calls to voicemail, the phone number needs to be *55xxxx where xxxx is the extension number of the voicemail box you want to divert to. This may be an individual’s voicemail but you can also set up a voicemail just for the Auto Attendant.
You can add the service in the ‘Assignments’ tab.

Repeat this for the ‘After Hours’ tab if required.

The ‘Service Configuration tab details all the services allocated to the Auto Attendant. If you want to add anything just tick the corresponding box and press Save.

The ‘Service Configuration’ tab allows you to configure the services you have selected e.g. voicemail, call forwards, pre-alert announcement.

The ‘Call Policies’ tab allows you to customise how you want the CLI to present. Most people generally leave the default settings.

In  ‘Announcement’ you can upload your personalised welcome greeting and any announcements you want the callers to hear depending on the options given.

The ‘Activity Log’ shows you any changes that have been made to the AA, who has carried these out and the date.

Trunk User – Mobility Feature Package

Adding Mobility Feature Package to Trunk User

To add and amend the mobility feature, navigate to the user page for the required number and select Package & Service.

Within the Packages – Secondary section, the Trunk Mobility package needs to be ticked for it to be available

To add this to a user simply click the check box next to the service and click

To set or amend the configuration, select Service Configuration from the left hand menu bar

This will take you to the services (features) that are assigned and configurable. Select, the required service to amend

Enter the details as required and check the Enabled box, then select

The feature will then be active

Call Forwards

Setting Call Forwards

Select Users from the left-hand navigation bar and select the user call forward is to be set

Select Service Configuration from the left hand navigation

The services available to the selected user are displayed. A red button means the service is inactive, green means active.

Select the call forwarding option that is required to be changed.

Enter the telephone number that calls should be forwarded to and check the ‘Enabled’ box to activate the service. (To deactivate the service simply uncheck the ‘Enabled’ box).

Press   and the service is active immediately.

Setting Call Forwards to Voicemail

To forward calls to voicemail the ‘Forward to Number’ should be *55 followed by the extension number of the user.

Setting Schedules

Setting Holiday and Out of Hours Schedules

From the left hand menu select Settings and scroll to the Schedules section

Time Schedules

Select Time Schedules and select the button to reveal the schedule options

To configure the out of hours times, select Weekly Schedule and on the next screen add a schedule name.

For out of hours, insert the times for Monday through to Friday (Saturday and Sunday too if required).

Note: if the start date is Monday, then the end date will be Tuesday etc.  For out of hours the start time needs to be one minute after the opening hour’s end time and one minute before the opening hour’s start time.  If the business is closed over the weekend remember that Friday’s start date will have Monday as the end date, as in the example below.

Once details are completed press

Holiday Schedules

Select Holiday Schedule from the schedule options and select the button to reveal the schedule options

Select Holiday Schedule to reveal the configuration page

Enter a name for the Schedule e.g. 2023 Public Holidays

Complete the Event Name, if appropriate, tick the All Day Event box, select the start date and the end date.

Once details are completed press

Adding Holiday schedules to Auto Attendant

From the left-hand menu bar select ‘Assignments – Service Assignments to show the assigned services

Select the required Auto Attendant service and from the menu bar select Holiday

The Holiday page is now presented. From the Holiday Schedules drop down select the required Holiday schedule.

Adding a schedule to the Call Forward Selective service

Select the user or service e.g. Hunt Group with the Call Forward Selective service and select Service Configuration from the top menu bar

Select the Call Forwarding Selective service from the service list

Select the Criteria tab, add a Name and select the required schedules from the Time schedule and Holiday schedule dropdown options as required.

Complete other settings as required and select

To activate the Call Forwarding Selective service, select the Enabled box in the General tab and then select

Cisco Webex

Adding Webex to an existing User

Navigate to the User menu by selecting Users from the left-hand navigation bar

Then click on the user you wish to add Webex to

On the Profile tab enter the users email address into the email address field

Note: DO NOT INCLUDE any capital letters in the email address!

Webex needs a Webex unique email address so, if the users email already exists in Webex, an error message will be returned. Removal of the email from Webex will be required to activate onto the VCT platform.

A password can be set in the “Password-Uboss Portal & User Apps” field. If no password is entered the system default will be applied

Click  to save the details

From the Package and Service tab, select the required Webex package

Webex Packages

PackageCallingMessagingSpace MeetingsPersonal Meeting Room (PMR) Meetings
SoftphoneIncludedNot IncludedNoneNone
BasicIncludedIncluded25 participants1None
StandardIncludedIncluded100 Participants100 participants
PremiumIncludedIncluded300 Participants1000 participants
1 The Space meeting limit for Basic users is 25 participants per Space meeting unless the space also includes users assigned the “Standard” or “Premium” packages, in which case the limit increases to 100 participants

Once completed click to complete the activation.

The Webex devices will now be present in the Devices tab


Viewing Itemised billing data

UBOSS contains all the billing data and allows the customer administrator to view each months itemised billing information.

Full-Service itemisation – Business

Navigate to the Reports menu in the left hand navigation bar.

Scroll to Services and select the Service Detail – Businessreport

Select the billing month you wish to see from the Invoice Month dropdown and select

The full detail for that billing month will be displayed

The report shows ALL items regardless of whether they are actually charged and depending upon the size of the estate, some data may not show on screen however, the download button () will create a CSV file containing the complete data set where filters can be used to view specific data.

Phone Number Billing

Where SIP trunks are deployed, monthly telephone number charges can be viewed through the Phone Numbers Detail report which is found in the Services section of the Reports menu.

Select the billing month you wish to see from the Invoice Month dropdown and select

The full detail for that billing month will be displayed

Summary Billing Data

It is also possible to view a summary of the billing data

Navigate to the Reports menu in the left hand navigation bar.

Scroll to Services and select the Service Summary – Business report

Select the month you wish to see from the Invoice Month dropdown and select

A summary of charges for that month will be displayed, this time split between Packages and Services

The download button () can be used to download the information to a CSV file for further analysis.

Department and Site breakdown reporting

Assigning departments and aligning users to those departments is a useful way of segmenting costs for internal reporting and allocation. Once departments are assigned, charges can be reported.

Navigate to the Reports menu in the left hand navigation bar.

Scroll to Combi and select the Summary by Department report

Select the billing month you wish to see from the Invoice Month dropdown and select

The full detail for that billing month will be displayed

Similarly, by selecting the Summary by Site report charge detail is provided for each configured Site

Call Reports

UBOSS reporting provides a number of useful call reports accessible from the Reports on the left-hand navigation bar.

Navigate to Reports and scroll to the Calls section to view the available reports and select Call Logs

This will present the call log filter criteria page

If required, select or enter the filter criteria for the desired call search.

Press for the associated calls to be displayed.

The  will export the report to a csv file.

It is also possible to schedule a report either directly in the Reports>Schedule menu or by pressing the  button from within the report and entering the relevant schedule requirements.

Widget and Hot Buttons

Dashboard Widgets

UBOSS Dashboard is a home screen for every user that can be configured with widgets to display information relevant to that user. Depending on the widget, information can be toggled to display either the last 7 or 15 days of data.

Widgets can be added or removed from view by selecting the  button from the Home Screen

And toggling on or off the required widget.

Available widgets are:

  • Users – Displays the total count of the different types of users on platform
  • Ticket Updates – Provides a feed of the latest submitted tickets
  • Charges – Summary of charges over the past 6 months
  • Call Volume Count – Summary of call counts inbound and outbound for the proceeding 7 or 15 days
  • Call Volume Minutes – Summary of call minutes inbound and outbound for the proceeding 7 or 15 days
  • Notifications – displays any portal notifications added
  • Auto Attendant – displays Auto Attendant data from a selection drop down

Hot Buttons

Hot Buttons within the Dashboard are user defined short cuts to specific pages within UBOSS or to external url’s. This is an extension of the widgets concept of personalising UBOSS for an individual user.

To configure a Hot Button, click on the cog next to an available Hot Button. This will pop out the configuration box, as shown below.

Enter what you would like the button to be called and paste in the URL that you would like it linked to.

You have the option to choose whether it opens a new tab when clicked and to also personalise the colours.

Remember to click for the settings to take effect

Cloud Communications – Feature Codes

ServiceFeature Access Code
Call Forwarding Always Activation*72“Forwarding Number” Note: if no forward number entered, previously configured number is used.
Call Forwarding Always Deactivation*73
Call Forwarding Always Interrogation*21*
Call Forwarding Always To Voice Message Activation*21
Call Forwarding Always To Voice Message Deactivation#21
Call Forwarding Busy Activation*90“Forwarding Number” Note: if no forward number entered, previously configured number is used.
Call Forwarding Busy Deactivation*91
Call Forwarding Busy Interrogation*67*
Call Forwarding Busy to Voice Message Activation*40
Call Forwarding Busy to Voice Message Deactivation#40
Call Forwarding No Answer Activation*92 – “Forwarding Number” Note: if no forward number entered, previously configured number is used.
Call Forwarding No Answer Deactivation*93
Call Forwarding No Answer Interrogation*61*
Call Forwarding No Answer To Voice Message Activation*41
Call Forwarding No Answer To Voice Message Deactivation#41
Call Forwarding Not Reachable (Disaster Recovery) Activation*94 “Forwarding Number” Note: if no forward number entered, previously configured number is used.
Call Forwarding Not Reachable Deactivation*95
Call Forwarding Not Reachable Interrogation*63*
Group Call Pickup*98
Call Waiting Interrogation*53*
Call Waiting Persistent Activation*43
Call Waiting Persistent Deactivation#43
Cancel Call Waiting*70
Clear Voice Message Waiting Indicator*99
Directed Call Pickup*97 – “Extension number to answer”
Directed Call Pickup with Barge-in*33 – “Extension number to answer”
Direct Voice Message Transfer*55
Find-me/Follow-me Call Push*26
Flash Call Hold*22
Last Number Redial*66
Speed Dial 100*75 – “speed dial position (00-99)”“phone number to associate”
Speed Dial 8*74 “speed dial position (2-9)”“phone number to associate”
Voice Message Retrieval*86
Voice Portal Access*62