- How to update your profile settings?
- How to enable Single Sign On for Colt Online?
- What options are available in Colt Online?
- Which notifications/subscriptions are available in the contact management module?
- How do subscriptions and the contact management module in colt online work?
- How can I view the notifications/subscriptions that I am set up to receive from colt?
- What is Planned Works ?
- What is the Order Management Portal?
- UBOSS Portal Guide
What is the Colt Looking Glass tool?
The Colt Looking glass allows you to view detailed information about how traffic is routed over Colt’s IP backbone network and can be run from any one of Colt’s core network routers. The destination can be entered using an IPv4 or IPv6 address. The options are:
Command | Details |
Ping | Displays the round trip delay time between the selected source router and the destination address |
Tracert | Display the devices in the path between the selected source router and the destination address (only entries for a specific IP address prefix |
BGP | Displays the routing table entries for a specific IP address prefix |