How to request a cease of my service?

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How to request a cease of my service?

Prerequisites: You must have the role “Cease Your Service” to be able to raise cease requests.  Check this page for more details on How to request access to this functionality.

If you do not have an Colt Online account, you can register following the steps in this link.


Step 1: From the Menu bar go to Services and select the option “My Active Services”.

All live services associated with your account are shown on Service page.

Step 2: Search the service you want to cease. Use the filter and search bar if required

Step 3:

If you are in the grid view then click on the drop-down button for the service and select the option Cease service

If you are in the list view then click on the  icon alongside the service you want to cease and select the option Cease service

A service detail page is opened.

Step 4: Click on the Cease Service button at the top right corner of the page.

A new page will open where you will provide the cease details required.

Note:  If a service is selected against which a cease request has already been submitted, “Cease request ID” will be indicated.

Step 5: Enter contact, cease date and cease reason details. Once you provide the ‘Requested Cease Date’, ‘Early Termination Fee’ will be calculated and displayed. Then click  the ‘Submit Request’ button.

To continue, you must read and accept the Terms and Conditions.

Step 6: Click on “Accept” button. After accepting the Terms and Conditions, a cease request ID is generated for customer reference.